Men Wrestle Over Who Will Pay The Bill, Hilarious Showdown Caught On Camera - 8days Skip to main content



Men Wrestle Over Who Will Pay The Bill, Hilarious Showdown Caught On Camera

The credit card rewards points must be very good.

Men Wrestle Over Who Will Pay The Bill, Hilarious Showdown Caught On Camera

Rushing to pay a bill is so ingrained in our culture that this writer has long given up arguing with anyone who pays first.

There is always PayNow, right?

However, it seems some people have taken it to another level.

A clip showing two men allegedly from Saudi Arabia jostling to pay for their meal at a restaurant.

At one point, it looked as if they were wrestling each other, getting into various positions to prevent each other from tapping their phones on the POS terminal.

We think this 'wrestling match' hit its peak when the man in black lifted the man in white, the latter's legs flailing in the air.

What we want to know is if the credit card rewards points are that attractive?

In the end, the man in black managed to tap the POS terminal, ending the chokehold, and the two friends ending the scruffle with a handshake.

Netizens were bemused by the clip which been viewed over 471K times, with one joking: “Bill costs $20. Funeral? $3K?”

Another echoed the sentiment and commented, “Bro nearly killed his best friend just to pay the bill.”

Rushing to pay is a common sight in Asia.. right?
But a wrestling match at it is definitely a first.
At one point, the man wearing white had his legs flailing in the air.
Was the guy 'thanking' him for nearly choking him to death?

Photos: awmujeeb/IG




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