“Most People Expect To See A Guy At The Door”: What It’s Like Working As A Female Food Delivery Rider

When Nur Syaza Syazwina applied to be a food delivery rider, her family and friends were surprised, to say the least. “They were shocked and were worried about my safety,” the 21-year-old part-time student tells us. “Relatives and friends would ask why I didn’t look for a ‘proper’ job in an office.”
So what did the gungho Nur do? She went ahead with her decision, signed up for motorbike lessons, got her license and took up the job as a Deliveroo rider. It’s been over a year since she first started ferrying food around Singapore — she does it for about four hours a day while she’s completing her course in religious studies — and these are the life lessons she’s learnt on the job in what’s typically a male-dominated industry.