7 Things To Expect When You Watch A Movie At Shaw Theatres Jewel's Kid-Friendly Dreamers Theatre
FYI: There's a ball pit.
It should be obvious but I'll say it anyway: If you don't have a kid or are not accompanying kids, do not buy a ticket for Shaw Theatres Jewel's Dreamers hall. Unless it's the 1.30am screening, then okay. Maybe 11pm also okay, though there may still be some insomniac mini-mes out and about with their insomniac parents. Yes, the beanbag seats are pretty tempting, and it's definitely fun and novel to lie on a beanbag to watch a movie on the big screen, but it's not worth it if there are 10 children running across your line of vision, plus you might get hit by a stray ball from the ball pit.
I braved the under-90cm crowd (and their parents) one Sunday morning to catch Pokémon Detective Pikachu at Dreamers, and brought my own two rugrats to contribute to the chaos. After 105 minutes in Singapore’s first movie theatre designed with family in mind, I can tell you a few things to expect.