The Zombie Trainers Of Zombiepura: "We Have To Get The Actors To Let Go And Be As Scary And Disgusting As They Possibly Can" - 8days Skip to main content



The Zombie Trainers Of Zombiepura: "We Have To Get The Actors To Let Go And Be As Scary And Disgusting As They Possibly Can"

Yes, they get paid to train zombies.

When Zombiepura director Jacen Tan needed someone to wrangle the rotting, walking corpses for his horror-com, he turned to someone who came highly recommended by his filmmaker friends — Sunny Pang.

Yes, that Sunny Pang. That pai kia-looking dude who plays Inspector Han on Ch 5’s Code of Law.

When he isn’t acting, Pang, 46, runs Ronin Action Group, a martial arts stunt team he started in 2012. The group’s credits include 2025, Premonition, Left Behind, and the Sam Willows video ‘For Love’.

8 DAYS recently visited Ronin Action Group at their office-cum-studio in Jalan Pemimpin to find out how they whipped the skinwalkers in Zombiepura into shape.

Zombiepura (PG13) is now out in cinemas.

Video credits: Camera: Goh Wen Kai, Nelson Tan; Audio: Kelly Chan; Editor: Chris Khong

Ronin Action Group photos: Aik Chen





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