This Will Make You Wish James Lye Was Still In Showbiz - 8days Skip to main content



This Will Make You Wish James Lye Was Still In Showbiz

Remember James Lye? Oh, what were we thinking? Of course you do. Because you can only re-watch Triple Nine and VR Man videos on YouTube so many times, here’s a complete encyclopaedia to James Lye’s four incredible years in showbiz.

This Will Make You Wish James Lye Was Still In Showbiz

Oh, what were we thinking? Of course you remember the erstwhile King of Caldecott, even though it's been 17 years since he's upped and left (he's now a VP at a bank). Because you can only re-watch Triple Nine and VR Man videos on YouTube so many times, here’s a complete encyclopaedia to James Lye’s four glorious years in showbiz.




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