Richie Koh Shaved His Hair For The Diam Diam Era Movies And The End Result Was… Interesting - 8days Skip to main content



Richie Koh Shaved His Hair For The Diam Diam Era Movies And The End Result Was… Interesting

We all know an uncle with the same hairstyle.

Richie Koh Shaved His Hair For The Diam Diam Era Movies And The End Result Was… Interesting

Here's a hairy tale for you.

Apparently, actor Richie Koh’s turn in Jack-Neo's The Diam Diam Era movies (which is also part of the Long Long Time Ago series), came with one big sacrifice — the 27-year-old had to shave his hair for the role.

We know, we know, going bald for a role isn’t exactly groundbreaking news, especially for a male actor. And anyway, Richie’s done it before, for his debut role in army drama When Duty Calls.

So what’s so surprising about this “sacrifice” then? Well, we’ll just let the next picture speak for itself.




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