Rebecca Lim, 36, Says She’s No Longer A “Sweet Young Thing”, But That’s Not A Bad Thing At All - 8days Skip to main content



Rebecca Lim, 36, Says She’s No Longer A “Sweet Young Thing”, But That’s Not A Bad Thing At All

Becks opened up to Jean Danker about her insecurities in the latest episode of the Class 95 DJ’s podcast, R U Okay?.


Rebecca Lim, 36, is everywhere these few months. Not that we’re complaining.

Apart from appearing in new Mediacorp drama Third Rail, hosting her own talkshow programme, With Love, Becks, Mediacorp’s next Ah Jie is also the guest on this week’s episode of Class 95 DJ Jean Danker’s mental wellness podcast, R U Okay?.

Rebecca’s chat with Jean covered a wide range of topics, from how she deals with feeling down, to how her parents were supportive of her acting career after she finally landed a role that was not "the third party, the mistress, the prostitute” early on in her foray into acting.

Watch Rebecca tell Jean about how being aware that her Mandarin "was crap” when she first started out had spurred her on. Our story continues after that.

Apart from that, Becks mused that she really just wants to "show everyone that under all the glitz and glamour and all the beautiful Instagram posts", she's just like anyone else.

"I think people always think that I'm very confident, you know, that I'm very in control of whatever's going on. But almost every day, I deal with tiny insecurities,” she continued.

"Especially with social media, you're constantly reminded of what you have and what you don't have. And come on, being in the media industry, you're in the most "superficial", so to speak, industry ever. Where you are surrounded by the most beautiful, most talented, younger starlets that come about,” Rebecca said.

All about that confidence.

The actress added later that she does feel insecure sometimes, and that she knows that she’s "not that sweet young thing anymore”. dropped Becks a quick message through her manager, to find out more. But as Rebecca shared with us, not being a sweet young thing anymore isn’t necessarily a bad thing. For one, she’s definitely more mature and confident now.

"I really like myself more in my 30s compared to a clueless, no confidence me in my 20s,” she wrote.

She's come a long way.

And so, how does she overcome her insecurities? Turns out, she quashes these feelings through some introspection.

"Firstly, I face them and acknowledge these insecurities. Then I’ll ask myself why. And I’ll also remind myself that it’s the years of experience and growth and lessons learnt along the way that make me, me,” replied Rebecca.

She added: “So I remind myself of all these, take a deep breath, and soldier on. We all have good days and bad days. But it’s important to acknowledge the negative emotions and deal with them right there and then as opposed to letting them eat you up inside.”

Wrapping things up with a quote that gave us a glimpse into why she’s managed to remain oh-so-strong all these years, Rebecca wrote: "Innately I still am who I am, but I’m definitely clearer of what I want, and what I do not want. But I’m still learning every step of the way. Still working to be the best that I can be.”

Catch Season 1 of R U Okay? on meWATCH here. Watch the full video below for Becks’ thoughts on failing an audition for a role she really wanted, and how she keeps herself grounded.

Photos: meWATCH, Rebecca Lim/Instagram




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