Man Criticised For Letting His Kid Stand On Food Court Table In S'pore - 8days Skip to main content



Man Criticised For Letting His Kid Stand On Food Court Table In S'pore

Tsk tsk.
Man Criticised For Letting His Kid Stand On Food Court Table In S'pore

On Tuesday (Jan 21), a netizen took to Facebook group Complaint Singapore to share a pic of a man and his daughter at a local food court. 

The man was on the phone while his kid was standing on the table.

Together with the photo was this caption: “Wait for accident to happen? Told him [and] he ignored me.”

The post drew the ire of many other Singaporean netizens, most of whom said it was “inconsiderate” and “unhygienic” for the man to allow his child to stand on a table that others dine on. 

A comment read: “[It’s] not about accidents. It's about manners and etiquette since it’s a table for dining.”

Many blamed the man for not disciplining his child, with some calling it “bad parenting”.

One netizen even wondered if the man would blame the food court if his kid fell. 

So would you go up to a parent to them off if you saw this happen?

What would you do in the netizen's shoes?
Photos: Complaint Singapore/ Facebook




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