New LTA Train For Jurong Region Line Seen 'Chilling' In Rural Korea - 8days Skip to main content



New LTA Train For Jurong Region Line Seen 'Chilling' In Rural Korea

Like a scene from Train to Busan.

New LTA Train For Jurong Region Line Seen 'Chilling' In Rural Korea

While Singaporeans eagerly await the new Hyundai Rotem J151 trains that will ply the Jurong Region Line starting in 2027, a netizen spotted one of them in rural Korea.

In a video posted online, he showed off the teal-coloured train with the LTA logos in the wilderness behind him and explained what it was doing there.

“It's just chilling here in rural Korea,” he added.

According to him, these old tracks are 12km long and they are used to test new trains before they are sent for passenger service.

He also let on that the tracks the train was sitting on used to bring passengers to Busan.

Train to Busan, anyone?

He was also seen guessing whether it was meant to be a Light Rail Transit (LRT) or subway train.

We would say neither.

The entire Jurong region line is set to be the third MRT line in Singapore to be constructed with tracks above ground after the East West and North South lines.

According to LTA, the trains are slated to begin passenger service in three stages starting from 2027 to 2029.

Singaporeans hopped onto the comments many expressing their excitement in seeing a familiar sight in a different country.

Of course, some netizens couldn’t help but poke fun at where the train is being parked, with one saying, “Is this the third Train to Busan movie we didn’t know about?”

“Did a wave of zombies wipe everything out?” read another comment.

What is a LTA train doing out in rural Korea?
The netizen went on to explain that the tracks here are to test trains before being used for passengers.
These teal-coloured trains will be coming to Singapore very soon

Photos 양준서레일TV/YouTube, summer 88959/TikTok




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