Will It Work? New Sign On Bus Encourages Commuters To “Keep Volume Low” - 8days Skip to main content



Will It Work? New Sign On Bus Encourages Commuters To “Keep Volume Low”

Many believe it wouldn’t change anything unless a fine is implemented.

Will It Work? New Sign On Bus Encourages Commuters To “Keep Volume Low”

Most of us would’ve been on a bus where there's a rowdy group of students hanging out in the back, an elderly person who watches their videos on max volume, or the someone telling another person on the phone and the whole bus what Susan from finance did during lunch. 

If you’ve ever taken offence at such behavior, you’ll likely appreciate this new sign.

The “Keep Volume Low” sticker advises commuters against talking or playing audio on their phones loudly.

A Reddit user has shared a photo of the sign with the caption: “But to be honest, it probably won’t help.

It sparked a hearty discussion amongst netizens, many of whom agreed that the rule would be redundant unless a fine is attached to it.

For example, a litterbug on a bus could be asked to pay up to S$2K fine should they be caught in the act.

Many believed that “without enforcement”, noisy commuters will remain noisy as there are no consequences to their actions.

Some also took the chance to air their grievances about fellow commuters, complaining about those who “watch their TikTok videos out loud”.

One even said that those glued to their phones wouldn’t even look up and notice the new sign.

Another suggestion read: “There should be a note saying: 'Please use headset or earphones”. Low volume is subjective, especially to older people with hearing problems.”

In 2019, the Ministry of Transport launched the Graciousness Campaign, urging commuters to adapt gracious and considerate behaviour when taking public transport.

The campaign utilised the characters from the Thoughtful Bunch to promote behavior such as giving way, offering seats to those who need it more, and placing our bags on the floor for a more spacious ride.

A member of the Thoughtful Bunch, Hush Hush Hannah, was based on the idea of keeping our volumes down when commuting.

Was anyone really paying attention to Hannah and her advice?

Perhaps it's time we all start listening to Hush Hush Hannah's advice

Photos: Reddit/ Krazyguylone, lta.gov.sg




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