Felicia Chin and Jeffrey Xu Want You To Help Them Decide Their Wedding Hashtag
They’re tying the knot this Saturday (Oct 22).

There’s just four more days to celeb couple Felicia Chin and Jeffrey Xu’s big day, and there’s one thing they need your help with: choosing a hashtag for their wedding.
Yesterday (Oct 17), both Jeffrey, 34, and Felicia, 37, took to their Instagram Stories with a poll, asking their followers to help them choose a wedding hashtag, along with four choices.
Ahead of the poll’s official end time (it’ll end at around 1am tonight), 8days.sg took the opportunity to drop Feli a quick message, to find out which hashtags are currently leading.
As it turns out, there are two hashtags currently duking it out for the top spot -- #FelForMing and #Ming天我要嫁给Ling, at 38% and 34% respectively.
FelForMing is pretty self-explanatory, while Ming天我要嫁给Ling (Ming Tian Wo Yao Jia Gei Ling) is a blend of the name of the classic Wakin Chau song, I Am Gonna Marry You Tomorrow, (Ming Tian Wo Yao Jia Gei Ni), and the Chinese names of Jeffrey (Ming Jie) and Felicia (Feng Ling).
Meanwhile, Chin爱的Xu uses Felicia and Jeffrey’s surnames, and can mean “Dear Xu”, or [Jeffrey] Xu, who [Felicia] Chin loves. Cute, right?
The last option on their poll, 风主耶稣的圣鸣 (Feng Zhu Ye Su De Sheng Ming) is a homage to their shared Christian faith, and roughly translates to “the holy call of the Lord Jesus”, while including Feng and Ming from Felicia and Jeffrey’s Chinese names respectively.
All four hashtags were thought up by the couple’s good friend, Chen Diya from local band The Freshman.
“We asked our super duper punny friend Diya!!! She is sooooo amazing, I literally LOL soooo loudly when I received her text (sic),” Felicia wrote.
Apart from that, the couple’s non-celeb friend, Jeff, also came up with a number of other hashtags too. Unfortunately, they turned out to be a bit too cheem for most of their friends to understand, which is why Feli and Jeffrey have decided to try and use them in a different way.
“He [also] shared this [idiom] with us with our exact names within, 鸾凤和鸣 (Luan Feng He Ming), something that represents a beautiful union,” said Feli.
So which one of the four hashtags does Felicia prefer?
“Personally, we really love love the puns, there’s even a few more including #鸣鸣白白我的玲 [a play on Feli and Jeffrey’s Chinese names, as well as the classic Jackie Chan and Chen Shuhua Chinese song, 'Understand My Heart'] but there could only be four choices on the IG poll so we streamlined our options. It was so tough to choose. We love #FelforMing , simple and concise. Quite cute too.”
Got a favourite in mind? Here’s Felicia’s IG Story poll for you to cast your vote.
Catch Felicia's latest drama, When Duty Calls 2 on meWATCH here. The first episode is embedded below.