Ex Mediacorp Actress Ong Ai Leng Reunites With Her Director Husband In Hongkong After 15 Months Apart - 8days Skip to main content



Ex Mediacorp Actress Ong Ai Leng Reunites With Her Director Husband In Hongkong After 15 Months Apart

Ai Leng shared that when she first touched down in Hongkong, her husband waited outside the hotel she had to quarantine in just to see her from afar.

Ex Mediacorp Actress Ong Ai Leng Reunites With Her Director Husband In Hongkong After 15 Months Apart

Ex Mediacorp actress Ong Ai Leng, 42, recently reunited with her husband, Hongkong director Kenne Yam after 15 months apart.

And boy, was the process challenging. As Ai Leng, who is Malaysian, shared in an Instagram post, the couple faced a number of difficulties getting approval for Ai Leng to enter Hongkong, as Hongkong did not allow foreigners to enter.

Therefore, even though Ai Leng and her husband had registered their marriage in Hongkong, there was quite a bit of red tape that they had to wade through.

At first, when Ai Leng’s husband called Hongkong’s Immigration Department, the staff on-duty assured him that Ai Leng would be granted entry into Hongkong, since their marriage is registered there. However, when Ai Leng went to book her flight to Hongkong through Cathay Pacific, she was initially turned away.

In the end, Ai Leng managed to make it to Hongkong, after “preparing loads of documents”. She left Malaysia on September 11, and finished her 21-day quarantine on October 2.




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