Edmund Chen, 63, Shows Off Ripped Body Again, Says He Has Been Lazy - 8days Skip to main content



Edmund Chen, 63, Shows Off Ripped Body Again, Says He Has Been Lazy

Lazy? Where?
Edmund Chen, 63, Shows Off Ripped Body Again, Says He Has Been Lazy

Before everyone thinks that only older men like Zheng Geping and Chuando have impossibly fit bodies, here's former Mediacorp actor Edmund Chen.

The 63-year-old 
took to social media recently to say he has “been a bit lazy lately” and that he has literally been “eating and sleeping.”

Not before showing his impressive abs though.

Edmund, who left Mediacorp almost two decades ago, revealed that he has set a fitness goal to do 300 squats daily.

Umm, but those washboard abs aren’t due to squats, right?

Even his own daughter, Chen Yixin left a “WOAAAHHH!” in the comments making us wonder if she meant his high rep count or his wicked bod?

No word yet on what Xiang Yun, his wife of 35 years, thinks but we doubt there are many complaints.

However, this isn’t the first time Edmund bared his bod on social media.

Back in 2022, he made the Internet go wild with a similar post but shared with 8world then that he is “quite shy” about posing shirtless.

Well, it has been more than two years since, and we can only say we don’t see any bashfulness there.

Of course, netizens couldn’t help but gawk at the sight of Edmund’s Adonis-like body, leaving a trail of thirsty comments on his post.

“Those abs are illegal,” read a comment, while another said he is jealous of Edmund’s 6-pack”.

Our favourite was when this writer’s friend went, “He really is a daddy in every sense of the word now.”

Can’t agree more.

That squat high kick looks quite impressive.
No word on what Edmund's wife Xiang Yun thinks about his latest reveal.

Photos: edmundchen.sg/IG

Catch Edmund in Courting Trouble on mewatch or in the video below:




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