Dee Kosh Tells Xiaxue About The 3 Most Popular Local Female Stars Among Changi Prison Inmates; One Of Them Is A Socialite
The former radio DJ and YouTuber, who served an eight-month jail sentence for sexual offences, talks to the influencer about how life was behind bars, including some goss about City Harvest Church founder Kong Hee.

Singaporean former DJ and YouTuber Dee Kosh, 34, was sentenced to eight months in prison last August for committing sexual offences against underaged boys.
He finished serving his sentence in March, and has since taken to his social media to post updates on how the experience was like for him.
In a recent chat with OG influencer Xiaxue, Dee Kosh spoke about the details of his case, his mental health struggles, and his life behind bars.
When Dee Kosh was first locked up, he was placed in isolation for seven days due to Covid protocol.
“It’s damn bad ah,” he said of his isolation experience.
“The rooms are smaller, [and] you’re alone with no entertainment. It’s horrible. You don’t go out, I mean they give you books lah,” he continued.
He read many books from the prison library, such as the Lord of The Rings series, and books by Danielle Steele.
He then let on that he “heard rumours” about Kong Hee. The City Harvest Church founder also served his sentence at Changi Prison in 2017 to 2019 when he was found guilty of misusing charitable funds.
“Kong Hee right, he was in charge of newspaper. So he would like ‘blanko’ (use correction fluid) the newspaper [to] censor it if it [included] sensitive topics. Apparently, his [church] members sent him a lot of books. In prison, after your sentence, you usually just donate the books,” said Dee Kosh, who told Xiaxue that he, too, donated the books that she sent him.
He continued: “Apparently when Kong Hee left, he took all of his books with him. It was not like two stacks leh, they needed two trolleys to carry all his books out. Yah then people are like this m*********** don’t want to leave anything behind ah? Not one leh, he took everything leh.”
When Xiaxue suggested that Kong Hee might have wanted to donate the books to his church, Dee Kosh insisted that his actions made him appear “selfish” to the other inmates.
Dee Kosh revealed that as someone who wasn’t serving a long sentence in prison, he often changed cells — a practice put in place to prevent inmates from “forming cliques”.
However, pictures of female celebs were still plastered “everywhere” on the walls, regardless of which cell he went to.
He then named the ‘top three’ most popular female stars, whose posters are often put up by inmates.
“So at number three, it’s a bit odd to me ‘cos [she’s not that attractive to me], but she’s on a lot of magazine covers so it makes sense. [It’s] Sonia Chew. People love Sonia Chew. In fact when they heard that I used to do radio, they [started asking me how she is] in real life,” he said.
Xiaxue then revealed that she was able to guess who was number one on first try.
The most popular female celeb among prison inmates is none other than ex-Mediacorp actress, Fiona Xie.
“It’s very weird leh ‘cos it [has to be] very old magazines,” laughed Xiaxue.
Dee Kosh corrected her, saying that Fiona Xie still does magazine shoots, and for that reason, “everyone loves her” in prison.
“There’s this one picture of her holding a handbag or something and her left t** is just there. That’s the one in the toilets,” he said.
Xiaxue continued: “I think since the late ‘90s to early 2000s she’s always been a sex symbol, since she was running down Orchard Road in a bikini.”
She then revealed that she “laughed damn loud” when she heard about the second most popular female star. That’s because she’s close friends with said person.
“[She’s] not an actress, not a model, but she is everywhere in prison. They make [paper] fans out of her [magazine features]. They make stickers. People say like ‘this is gonna be my future wife’, ‘when I go out I’m gonna marry her’. Then when she announced her [divorce], they were like ‘Wa! Eh I got chance’. So at number two is [Xiaxue’s] good friend Kim Lim,” said Dee Kosh.
“You know the thing about Kim is that she’s not particularly cutesy, like she’s not the sweet girl-next-door, but she’s sultry. The look that she’s going for is always a bit smoky-eyed, and [I think] they like the idea that she’s this princess,” added Xiaxue.
Dee Kosh mentioned that the inmates “somehow think that [Kim] likes pai kia (Hokkien for ‘bad boys’)”.
Xiaxue immediately chuckled, saying: “She does like pai kia!”
The two then burst into laughter as Dee Kosh said: “There you go, guys in prison, you have a chance.”