“There Are Those Who Like Going For Other People’s Husbands”: Yoyo Chen On The Topic Of Affairs - 8days Skip to main content



“There Are Those Who Like Going For Other People’s Husbands”: Yoyo Chen On The Topic Of Affairs

The 42-year-old TVB actress, whose relationship with husband Vincent Wong is rumoured to be on the rocks, has strong opinions on those who hit on married men.

“There Are Those Who Like Going For Other People’s Husbands”: Yoyo Chen On The Topic Of Affairs

The main cast of TVB drama Happily Ever After?, Lai Lok Yi, Yoyo Chen, Winki Lai, and Joey Law, have come together to host a spin off reality talk show Hong Kong Happily Ever After (香港婚后事), which sees them discussing a variety of topics relating to love and marriage.

Actor Pal Sinn Lap Man and singer Paisley Wu, who have been married since 2008, were the show’s latest guests.

While on the topic of cheating and extra-marital affairs, Pal was asked if the thought of cheating ever crossed his mind. Paisley immediately said: “My husband always says it’s too tiring to go after other women ‘cos you have to spend money on them. He would rather save the money and spend it on himself.”

Pal explained: “If you’ve made a vow to [your wife], looked them in the eyes and said you would love and look after them for a lifetime... if you can’t keep to your word, you’re not a man. You would be lying to yourself as well.”

Lok Yi, who married beauty conglomerate heiress and former Miss Hong Kong contestant Nicole Lee in 2014, then revealed that there have been women who tried getting close to him despite knowing that he has a wife.

Yoyo then gave her two cents. 

“There are a lot of lustful people out there. They don’t care if you’re married. Perhaps these people have weak morals," she said. 

“There are also those who intentionally go for other people's wives or husbands".

When a curious Paisley asked if Yoyo really knows such people, Yoyo asserted: “Yes, there are so many of them!”

Pal then suggested that people who hit on other’s partners may be experiencing some sort of emotional imbalance, and that “stealing” someone’s husband might, in a twisted way, give them a sense of accomplishment.

He also added that “it takes two hands to clap” in such situations and an affair wouldn’t happen simply because of interest from one party.

To that, Yoyo simply replied: “Maybe some men or women really think that way.”

Yoyo and her husband of 13 years, TVB actor Vincent Wong, have been plagued by rumours that their marriage is on the rocks thanks to Vincent's philandering. The couple, however, have never publicly discussed those claims. 

You can watch a clip of the group's discussion on Hong Kong Happily Ever After below. (Note that subtitles are only available in Mandarin.)

Photos: Xuan.my, TVB 綜藝/ YouTube




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