Why Didn't Show Luo’s 62-Year-Old Mum Want Him To Call Her “Mum” In The Past? - 8days Skip to main content



Why Didn't Show Luo’s 62-Year-Old Mum Want Him To Call Her “Mum” In The Past?

We can see where the singer-dancer-host inherited his star quality from.

Why Didn't Show Luo’s 62-Year-Old Mum Want Him To Call Her “Mum” In The Past?

Those who follow Show Luo on social media would be familiar with his mother, Lin Hsiang Lan.

She’s pretty hard to miss: the smiley, silver-haired 62-year-old makes semi-frequent appearances on her son’s online platforms, pulling cute expressions, striking funky poses, and just looking like that cool aunt you wouldn’t mind hanging out with.




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