M’sian YouTuber Says A Stranger Took A Dump In His Friend’s Unlocked Car In A Mall Carpark - 8days Skip to main content



M’sian YouTuber Says A Stranger Took A Dump In His Friend’s Unlocked Car In A Mall Carpark

Was that person too pooped from shopping and couldn't find a toilet?
M’sian YouTuber Says A Stranger Took A Dump In His Friend’s Unlocked Car In A Mall Carpark

This is why you should always, always lock your car door. 

Earlier this week, Malaysian YouTuber Chang Yong shared on Facebook a post titled: "A stranger broke into a car in Mid Valley".

The 28-year-old content creator shared that his friend Raphael was at the mall for dinner but when he returned to the carpark, he saw that his car had been clamped. 

Raphael, who had parked his car properly and did not violate any law, then approached the security guard to find why.

Turns out, someone had broken into the car, which Raphael had carelessly forgotten to lock. 

"A passerby saw a stranger sneak into your car. The person was acting weird and we didn't know what he was doing inside," said the security guard, who added that they clamped the car as they were worried it would be stolen.

Well, Raphael found out what the creep was doing when he opened the car door.

Believe it or not, that person had taken a dump on the back seat.

"The worst part was, my friend had to use tissue to pick up the poop and then throw it away," wrote Chang Yong. 

"I told him to take a picture of it, but he said he'd thrown it away and left the carpark," added Chang Yong.

As much as it was a poopy situation for Raphael, netizens were amused by what had happened.

One asked for Raphael's car plate number to buy 4-D. After all, he did 'strike gold'.

Next time still dare to not lock your car?
Photos: Chang Yong/Facebook, xuan.my




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