Chinese Influencer ‘Snake Spirit Boy’ Is Almost Unrecognisable Now - 8days Skip to main content



Chinese Influencer ‘Snake Spirit Boy’ Is Almost Unrecognisable Now

Trust us, it’s a good thing.


Remember the infamous ‘Snake Spirit Boy’?

Chinese influencer Liu Zi Chen is a controversial social media star who shot to fame in 2015 for his scarily huge eyes and unnaturally pointy chin. 

Many netizens compared his looks to snake spirits in Chinese folklore, giving rise to his Snake Spirit Boy nickname.

Yep, its the same guy.

And now, it appears that he has undergone a total makeover. In recent posts on Weibo, Zi Chen, who is now studying in America, is basically unrecognisable.

Gone are the huge saucer-like eyes and crazy sharp chin.

Now, Zi Chen looks like any other guy you’d walk past on the street without doing a double take.

Looking good there.

The social media star appears to have changed his online persona completely.

In the past, he used to court controversy with sharp remarks on social media — including that one time in 2016 where he called Singapore a “place with no standards” that he “hates the most”.

Now, he posts sporadic updates about his life, coupled with inspirational quotes and musings.

Quite a change for the better, no?

Living the life.





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