Ruby Lin, 47, Stomps Feet After Auntie In Her 50s Thought They Were The Same Age - 8days Skip to main content



Ruby Lin, 47, Stomps Feet After Auntie In Her 50s Thought They Were The Same Age

Well, 47 isn’t that far off from 50…

Ruby Lin, 47, Stomps Feet After Auntie In Her 50s Thought They Were The Same Age

In a recent episode of Chinese variety show Our Wonderful Life, which sees stars like Taiwanese actress Ruby Lin, Hong Kong actress Ada Choi and Chinese host Xie Na learning to build a life in China's "most beautiful village", the group headed down to a stall to buy fruits from a middle-aged female villager.

While they were at it, the auntie praised the women for their good looks, saying: "We're so old, but you guys are so pretty". 

The auntie then went on to tell Ruby that they’re around the same age. Her statement surprised Ruby, who is 47. 

The auntie than revealed that she’s in her 50s. 

"Da jie, I'm only in my 40s!" said Ruby as she stomped her feet in mock (we hope) anger.

Later, as the group were paying up, Ruby couldn't resist bringing up the auntie's blunder.

"The pomelo we bought were 50 yuan (S$9.30) right? I'm not 50 years old yet," she joked.

After the episode aired, netizens went all out to console the actress.

 "Maybe the auntie just started watching Ruby Lin in her old shows as she became an actress when she was very young," suggested one netizen. 

Ruby was only 17 years old when she starting her acting career. 

Another netizen joked: "Can't help it. The auntie also grew up watching your shows."

Ruby and the auntie who thought they were "about the same age". Gotta applaud her for her confidence though.
Just look at how exasperated Ruby was.

Photos: sinchew

Catch Ruby on Hear U Out on mewatch or in the embedded video below: 




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