Ron Ng Once Went Without Sleep For 7 Days When He Was Filming With TVB; Says “If You Don't Do It, There Are Many People Waiting In Line To Do It” - 8days Skip to main content



Ron Ng Once Went Without Sleep For 7 Days When He Was Filming With TVB; Says “If You Don't Do It, There Are Many People Waiting In Line To Do It”

As tough as those days were, the actor says he has no complaints about it. 
Ron Ng Once Went Without Sleep For 7 Days When He Was Filming With TVB; Says “If You Don't Do It, There Are Many People Waiting In Line To Do It”

It's no secret that actors and actresses tend to not get enough sleep when they're filming.

But going an entire week without getting any shut-eye? We really have to hand it to Hong Kong actor Ron Ng, 43.

Ron talking about the "good" old days

Ron, who's currently participating in hit Chinese reality competition Call Me By Fire 2, shared about his TVB days with his teammates on the show. 

While hanging out with Chinese musician Ren Ke and actor Zhang Junning in their dorm, Ron shared that he had filmed about 80 dramas throughout his 24-year career, which works out to about four to five dramas a year. 

"It's really tough, the longest I went without sleep was seven days. [I would] Get up at 6am for make-up, then leave for work at 7am, and we would shoot till about 6pm. After that we return to TVB to have our dinner, and then go into the studio to shoot till about 5am," he recalled.

He then said he would go home to shower and would have to leave for work again after half an hour.

Ron in 2013 TVB drama Triumph In The Skies 2

Upon hearing Ron's crazy work schedule, Ren Ke couldn't help but exclaim, "Wow, you can die from that!"

Ron's reply? "Well, I'm not dead yet."

Junning then went on to ask Ron how he managed to get any rest during those days. 

"We drove there ourselves, there was no one to pick us up. After you reach TVB and are done with your make-up, you travel to the filming location and that's when you get to sleep for about 25 to 30 minutes. But honestly, when someone's driving you can't fall asleep or sleep well either," said Ron. 

He even confessed that those days were "so tough" that he cried. "It really wasn't easy," he said.

However, Ron doesn't have any complaints about the hardships he went through. 

In fact, he really cherishes the opportunities that were given to him. 

"You didn't have a choice in TVB back then. If you don't do it, there are plenty of people waiting in line to do it, right? If you're given an opportunity and you still have things to say, people would tell you off, you know?" he said.

Photos: chinapress




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