Quan Yifeng On Her Best Host Win: “The Heavens Forgot To Give Me A Blissful Marriage, But Happiness Will Still Find You In Other Ways”
She also apologised to her daughter Eleanor Lee for not spending more time with her while she was growing up.
When Quan Yifeng was named Best Host at the last Sunday's Star Awards, the 47-year-old surprised everyone when she burst into tears during her speech.
Now, getting so emotional would have been normal for people who don't get to go on stage often, but for Yifeng, who is no stranger to winning awards (she's dominated the category since 2017, hello?), it was just... strange.
Surely, winning can't be that big a surprise for her, right?
Turns out, she really was surprised by her win. When 8days.sg spoke to the host a day after the show — she was so busy she could only call us at midnight — she said that she felt her two noms in the category meant that the judges could have split their votes and the fact that she had already won in the category for the past three Star Awards.
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