Old Clip Of Male Reporter Touching A 26-Year-Old Joey Wong’s Arm Sparks Anger
He wanted to confirm if she was real.

Recently, an Instagram fan account of the star unearthed a clip of Joey giving an interview in Korea in 1993, when she was just 26 years old. However, the beginning of the video caused some controversy as it shows the male reporter reaching out to squeeze her arm, causing Joey to scream “Ow!” in response.
To be fair, that sounds worse than it probably was. Apparently, the host was just in disbelief over the fact that he was in Joey’s presence and wanted to dramatically confirm that she wasn’t an illusion. So, after politely saying “Excuse me”, he gently touched her arm and said “She’s really alive” after Joey’s loud reaction, which, judging from her cheeky smile, seemed to be done on purpose to tease him (although of course, we won’t know for sure what she was thinking until she actually addresses this).