JJ Lin Was Accused Of Setting A “Bad Example” For Parking Illegally Outside His Cafe - 8days Skip to main content



JJ Lin Was Accused Of Setting A “Bad Example” For Parking Illegally Outside His Cafe

His agency has since apologised for his actions.

JJ Lin Was Accused Of Setting A “Bad Example” For Parking Illegally Outside His Cafe

Being a successful celebrity certainly has its perks, like being able to afford swanky homes and fancy cars the rest of us can only dream of. On the other hand, they have to say goodbye to their privacy, with pretty much every word, action, and unflattering photo of theirs scrutinised.

Take our very own JJ Lin for example. Last week, Apple Daily spotted the singer hanging out with friends in Taipei’s East District. He appeared to be overseeing preparations for the launch of his new cafe and boutique, which is said to have cost NT$10mil (about S$474,000) to set up.




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