Hair Stylist Turns Woman's Hair Into Giant Rabbit With Spray Gel He Couldn't Bring On Plane

Airlines have always made it clear what items cannot be brought onto flights, but some people just love pushing their luck.
Recently, viral Chinese hair stylist Long Shu took to Xiaohongshu to share that he and his female friend were checking in at the airport when they were told that they couldn't bring spray gel onboard.
Not wanting to discard their can of hair spray, Long Shu, who's known for creating interesting, over-the-top hairstyles, decided to put his skills to good use.
Using the entire can, he turned his pal's hair into a giant rabbit head before boarding their flight to Harbin.
We'll let the pictures do the talking.
In fact, her hair was so big, Long Shu's friend had to bend down every time she entered a doorway.
It goes without saying that Long Shu's friend became the center of attention on the plane.
"When we got off the plane, it felt like everyone at the arrival gate was there to welcome us," he joked, adding that many people asked for photos.
A netizen who happened to be at the same airport also shared that they had spotted Long Shu's friend from afar and even posted a picture they took of her.
We have a feeling that's what Long Shu and pal wanted all along.