HK Actor Francis Ng Had An Existential Crisis From Watching This Starlet Act - 8days Skip to main content



HK Actor Francis Ng Had An Existential Crisis From Watching This Starlet Act

To be fair, it must be really scary acting in front of Francis.


Hong Kong actor Francis Ng, 61, was recently invited as a guest judge on Chinese acting competition Hit It Off. 

During the episode, Chinese actress Xu Mengjie, 29, was paired up with Chinese singer Liu Yu, 22, for a scene where she has to confess her love for him.

First, Francis requested for Mengjie to turn her back to the audience, to better show that she’s waiting to make a love confession. However, Mengjie didn’t quite get what Francis was asking for.

Mengjie didn't quite know what to do.

The actor then walked up to the set to demonstrate what he wanted. Mengjie appeared visibly nervous after that, as the other contestants whispered among themselves that Francis seemed “really stern”.

Unfortunately, Mengjie was still clueless.

The actor then huffed under his breath, before asking the other judge, Chinese actor Su Ke, 50, to explain things to Mengjie instead.

Finally, the scene was set, and the actors started their scene.

Francis (probably): "Who am I? What am I doing here?"

Francis was not satisfied, and stopped them midway through, commenting that the actors could not even get the basic scene-setting right. 

As Su Ke gave his feedback, Francis slumped to one side of his seat, and had the biggest “I am having an existential crisis” expression on his face.

His frustration is clear.

Finally, Francis walked up once more to demonstrate what he wanted from them. 

After the scene was completed, Mengjie had tears in her eyes as she listened to Francis’ feedback. She then exclaimed with a small laugh: “Teacher, you’re too fierce!”

Tough love.

Francis then replied: “When you go on set, the directors are 100 times fiercer than I am.”

Mengjie went on to explain Francis that she didn’t know what to do as what Francis wanted was different from how she rehearsed the scene.

Francis then shared that as actors, they need to be “rebellious”, and veer off from the script sometimes if it’s not written well.

Photos: YOUKU SHOW/YouTube




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