Blackie Chen Apologises For Watching The Olympics Via Pirated Stream - 8days Skip to main content



Blackie Chen Apologises For Watching The Olympics Via Pirated Stream

Make sure you watch the Olympics from a legit source, okay?

Blackie Chen Apologises For Watching The Olympics Via Pirated Stream

Taiwanese host Blackie Chen has apologised for watching the Olympics through a pirated online stream from a set-top box.

For the past week, the 43-year-old has been sharing snippets of the Olympics and cheering for Taiwan athletes on Instagram Stories.

It was all fun and games (quite literally, we must say) until sharp-eyed netizens noticed that Blackie was streaming the Olympics from a pirated source.

What gave it away was a caption on the top corner of screenshot he posted that showed that the footage was streamed from an Anbo brand TV set-top box. Such digital boxes offer access to pirated online streams of movies, TV shows and sporting events.




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