Netizen Hospitalised After Trying Extreme Diet Annie Yi Planned For Hubby To Help Him Lose 20kg

We’ve heard of some pretty bizarre celeb diets, but few are as extreme as this.
Recently, Chinese actor Qin Hao, 44, husband of Taiwanese star Annie Yi, 55, took to social media to share about his drastic weight loss. He had piled on more than 10kg to transform himself into a pot-bellied uncle for Chinese drama The Long Season.
After filming wrapped, with Annie’s help, he successfully shed 8kg in five days, and to date, has lost 20kg.
Unsurprisingly, many netizens were curious how he managed to lose all that weight so quickly.
Turns out, Annie was the one who suggested Qin Hao try this diet plan she found online.
The original plan consists of high protein, high grain meals, combined with lots of weight-training and rope-skipping.
But Qin Hao needed to lose weight fast for his next role, so she replaced the meals with the following:
Day 1: Only unsweetened soy milk
Day 2: One corn on the cob for three meals
Day 3: Dragon fruit for breakfast, apples for lunch and blueberries for dinner
Day 4: An egg for breakfast, and boiled shrimp for lunch and dinner
Day 5: Broccoli for breakfast, spinach for lunch and lettuce for dinner
Yes, this is all you consume for five days. Thereafter, you rest for a week and repeat the cycle again.
While it worked for Qin Hao, Annie doesn’t recommend anyone try the diet as it’s very tough.
“Mr Qin told me that his legs were weak for one or two days,” she warned.
Well, that did not stop others from giving it a go.
Story of Yanxi Palace creator Yu Zheng shared that he lost 10kg “in a few days” and is motivated to keep going.
It wasn't the same experience for a netizen from Shandong.
She started vomiting and having the runs on the second day of her diet and had to be admitted to hospital the next day and put on drip.
According to her doctor, she was weak as her period had just ended and needed more nutrients.
Though she lost 5kg in seven days, it wasn’t from the diet.
Photos: Annie Yi/Weibo, Qin Hao/Weibo