Danish Cookie Specialist Leckerbaer Opens First S'pore Outlet With $8 'Atas' Sundae
A new cafe to chill out at in the heart of Orchard Road.

Småkager (say ‘smaw-kay-er’) might be an alien word to most Singaporeans. But its colloquial meaning is definitely familiar: Danish butter cookie, the ubiquitous, sugar-sprinkled discs housed in blue metal tins made famous by Danish confectioner Royal Dansk. The cookies are usually so basic that you’d be lucky to get one in a fancier shape. But Copenhagen’s artisan patisserie, Leckerbaer (say leck-er-bay-er), is offering mod, pretty småkager by stacking butter cookies with fruity jams and cream. It recently opened its first 36-seat dine-in outlet, in Singapore, at Shaw House.