Rolex-Wearing Chef Turned Hawker Who Serves Best Char Siew In S’pore Opens Restaurant In CBD - 8days Skip to main content



Rolex-Wearing Chef Turned Hawker Who Serves Best Char Siew In S’pore Opens Restaurant In CBD

From day one when I started this business, I’ve never lost money - not even during Covid,” says the owner of 88 Hong Kong Roast Meat Specialist, which just opened its first air-con restaurant in the CBD.
Rolex-Wearing Chef Turned Hawker Who Serves Best Char Siew In S’pore Opens Restaurant In CBD

Given the challenging nature of the F&B trade, it’s not every day that meets a hawker who claims they’ve never made a loss. “From day one when I started this business, I’ve never lost money — not even during Covid,” shares Martin Ong, 50, owner of 88 Hong Kong Roast Meat Specialist. His secret? “You must have principles as a chef. Everything you cook, you must be satisfied with it. Reputation is the most important,” he asserts. 

As his chain has been our go-to spot for excellent char siew and sio bak for years, we’ve got to admit that the Rolex-wearing towkay (he declined to share more about his timepiece, though it resembled the Submariner Date model) certainly walks the talk. Martin, a former restaurant chef, became a roast meat hawker in 2012 and opened several iterations of his stall in various locations before establishing 88 Hong Kong Roast Meat Specialist at a Tyrwhitt Road kopitiam outlet in 2016, and a standalone flagship eatery in a coffee shop on Lavender Street in 2018.

“They are packed to the limit most days,” he reveals. Noting that a significant number of his Lavender Street patrons during lunch time come from the CBD, the hawker opened his first restaurant at Far East Square along China Street on March 15.

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