Toh Thye San Chicken Farm Scions Start Home-Based Biz Selling Fried Chook From Their Bungalow
The twenty-somethings sizzle up chicken using their family’s fancy “Anxin” birds that are also supplied to Michelin-starred restaurants.
If digging into a bucket of fried chicken is your idea of comfort food, there’s a new home-based business you might wanna check out. Cheekily named Naked Chicken, the biz was started by Kennth Toh, 25, and his cousin Toh Xin Hui, 21, last October.
Their home-style fried chicken cooked by Kenneth’s mum is something they always eat at home and is well-loved by their guests, so they decided to start Naked Chicken to share it with more people. “My parents suggested we try selling our family’s fried chicken so I told them that I wanted to manage this biz and see what I can do with it,” Kenneth tells