Elderly Min Jiang Kueh Hawkers To End Home-Based Biz After “Last Bag Of Flour Is Used Up” - 8days Skip to main content



Elderly Min Jiang Kueh Hawkers To End Home-Based Biz After “Last Bag Of Flour Is Used Up”

“Business has not been good; we sell less than $30 worth of min jiang kueh every day and I had to throw my leftover batter away,” says 73-year-old veteran min jiang kueh seller Teo Ah Bee.
Elderly Min Jiang Kueh Hawkers To End Home-Based Biz After “Last Bag Of Flour Is Used Up”
Home-based businesses can be a lifeline for youngsters looking to start their own F&B operation without the prohibitive costs. But for elderly hawkers like Teo Ah Bee, 73, and his wife Lee Gay Lee, 71, it also highlights the disadvantages that less tech-savvy senior citizens face when it comes to running a ‘modern’ biz.




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