Millennial Hawkers Serve Inventive Prata With Eggs Benedict, Crab & Cheese - 8days Skip to main content



Millennial Hawkers Serve Inventive Prata With Eggs Benedict, Crab & Cheese

There’s also a superb sardine filling featuring fresh fish stewed with tomatoes and chillies at PrataLahhh!. 

Millennial Hawkers Serve Inventive Prata With Eggs Benedict, Crab & Cheese

If you can customise your mala xiang guo bowl and pizza, why not prata? PrataLahhh! is the brainchild of Kumaraysan and Ghauthaman, both 30, who grew up flipping dough at their family’s prata shop since they were 14. They declined to name it but yes, it’s part of a famous chain. After completing their National Service, the cousins, who sport matchy-matchy diamond ear studs, ventured into non-F&B jobs: Kumar as an accounting executive at Singtel, while Ghau “did all types of sales” jobs.

Two years ago, they decided to return to the family business. They co-own one branch of their fam’s more traditional brand and in December 2022, invested $40,000 to launch a second hip new label in Hougang kopitam to woo the younger market. Why the name? “Because it’s easier to register. When people ask ‘What do you want to eat?’ We usually answer, ‘Prata lah!’” explains the pair.

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