Hokkien Mee-Loving Netizens Debate Ideal Ratio For Bee Hoon & Noodle After Hawker Switches From Using Thick Bee Hoon To Thin

In a post on Facebook group Hokkien Mee Hunting, a treasure trove of recommendations for HKM-loving folks, member Tony Chia mentioned Geylang Bahru stall Ah Ong Hokkien Mee.
He wrote: “I believe Ah Ong HKM will be the topic these two weeks [sic] after he decided to permanently switch from thick bee hoon to thin bee hoon.”
He added that he “remembered the first time I requested for thin bee hoon was 10 Sep”, and that the hawker “Ah Ong was slightly reluctant ’cos no one requested [for it] before but he gladly cooked a plate for me. He later explained that the senior citizens here got used to his HKM with thick bee hoon and the usual ‘healthy’ taste (the flavour is not too rich). I agreed with him as it is an old estate.”
Tony, whom we think could have earned a phD in Hokkien mee, also noted in his post: “Today, I asked him to do a ratio of 7:3 noodles vs thin bee hoon and told him that people may start requesting this ratio soon.”
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