Restaurant-Worthy Wagyu Don Recipe - 8days Skip to main content



Restaurant-Worthy Wagyu Don Recipe

Whip up your own luxe wagyu with onsen egg rice bowl at home for a cosy dinner in.

Restaurant-Worthy Wagyu Don Recipe

Inspired to create a tasty bowl of rice and meat like those served in swish Japanese restaurants? This is the recipe for you.

Serves 2


2 eggs
300g wagyu rib-eye steak, 2cm thick
sea salt, to taste
½ tsp freshly grated ginger
¼ cup shoyu (Japanese soy sauce)
a dash of Worcestershire sauce
3 cups cooked Japanese rice
a handful of micro cress


• Remove beef from the fridge 30 mins before cooking to let it come to room temperature.

• To cook the eggs, bring a pot of water to the boil. Ensure that there is more than enough water to cover the eggs completely.

• When the water comes to a rolling boil, turn off the heat and gently lower the eggs into the water using a spoon. Cover the pot with a lid and leave for exactly 6 min. Remove eggs from the water and set aside.

• To cook the wagyu, heat a cast iron pan over medium-high heat until it starts to smoke a little. Sprinkle both sides of the steak liberally with salt and place the steak on the pan. Allow it to cook for 30 sec and lower the heat to medium.

• Cook it for about 1 ½ min on each side for medium doneness.

• Remove beef from the pan and allow it to rest for 10 min before slicing.

• Add the ginger, shoyu and Worcestershire sauce to the pan, stirring to mix. Simmer for a while, then remove from the heat.

• Meanwhile, portion rice into two serving bowls. Slice the beef thinly at an angle and arrange on top of the rice.

• Crack the eggs over the beef and rice, and drizzle sauce over everything. Garnish with micro cress and dig in.

Photo by Kelvin Chia




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